Pesce spada fresco o congelato lavorato in giornata e marinato in aceto di vino. Confezionato in olio misto, 20% extra vergine d'oliva, 80% olio di semi di girasole con aromi freschi. Confezionato in vaschetta sottovuoto.
Pesce spada (Xiphias Glaudius), (ZONA FAO 37,34,47), 80% olio di semi di girasole 20%, olio extra vergine d'oliva, aceto, antiossidante, esaltatore, aroma, sale, aromi naturali
L'azienda opera in ottemperanza alla normativa nazionale ed europea, in regime di autocontrollo ed in conformità ai principi del sistema HACCP. L'azienda attua procedure di pulizie e disinfezione, disinfestazione e controlli igienici, ed effettua controlli microbiologici e chimici su materie prime, semilavorati, prodotti finiti ed in fase di lavorazione a campione. Il prodotto fresco viene abbattuto a -20° C. ai sensi del Reg. CE 853/04. Gli allergeni conosciuti vengono evidenziati in grassetto secondo le disposizioni di legge.
Chickpeas are chickpeas or hair peas, it comes from a group of legumes and has numerous health properties. An excellent source of protein and necessary amino acids, therefore, it can replace meat. It is a source of complex carbohydrates, fiber. Chickpeas provides the body with various vitamins and minerals, including significant amounts of phosphorus, vitamin B9, iron, zinc, magnesium and potassium. It also contains unsaturated fatty acids. The chopper is low in calories and a low glycemic index, and the fiber it contains helps reduce the level of triglycerides and "bad" cholesterol. It is a great addition to many dishes, soups, vegetarian pastes and pies, and the perfect, excellent snack. Very interesting, aquafaba, water after cooking chickpeas (canned chickpeas have the same properties) is naturally full of protein and saponin, and can be whipped, as is the egg whites. So prepared is used to prepare many dishes, including mousse or vegan without.
Le imbustatrici Dolzan che si rivolgono al confezionamento di prodotti liquidi sono equipaggiate con uno speciale dosatore volumetrico che garantisce costanza dei risultati ed alte prestazioni.
I liquidi confezionabili hanno caratteristiche e viscosità diverse; possono presentare pezzi di diversa dimensione ed essere confezionati anche caldi.
FOOD: acqua, salse, sughi e preparati anche con pezzi, succhi di frutta, integratori, latte, olio, condimenti, creme, bevande e molti altri.
NO-FOOD: detergenti, resine, siliconi, vernici, colle, gel, prodotti chimici e molti altri, anche a caldo.
Il touch screen “user-friendly” permette di gestire il sistema di confezionamento in modo agile.
Nos arômes alimentaires sont commercialisés sous différentes formes : liquides, poudres, émulsions.
Les conditionnements se déclinent sous forme de flacon de 30 ml, bidons de 250 et 500 ml ou en vrac sur demande.
Ils peuvent être utilisés pour réaliser ou être ajoutés à diverses catégories d’aliments : pâtisseries, macarons, ganaches, crèmes desserts, mousses, confiseries, confitures, cocktails ou sauces mais aussi chocolaterie, glacerie, boissons-sirops, plats cuisinés, produits laitiers, biscuiterie.
Based on your transformed product, we produce blade scrapers with different shapes and attachments.
1 / « Freezer » blade scraper
2 / « Freezer » blade scraper
3 / Doctor blade
Complément alimentaire avec ferments lactiques.
Issu de l'expertise microbiotique de PiLeJe Industrie, ce produit est formulé à partir de 2 souches de ferments lactiques spécialement sélectionnées et dosées avec une teneur garantie de 4,5 milliards de souches par gélule à DLUO.
Informations exclusivement destinées aux professionnels.
Lactobacillus acidophillus et Bifidobacterium lactis.
Informations exclusivement destinées aux professionnels.
Matière : Papier Carton alimentaire 100% biodegradable et bio compostable
Forme : Paille
Atouts : Recyclable et écoresponsable ces pailles sont un choix écologique pour la dégustation de vos boissons sans odeur ni gout.
Utilisations : Pailles en papier cartonné pour les boissons froides
Couleur Disponible: Kraft, Blanc, Unicolor (noir, vert, rouge, bleu...etc)
Bicolor Striées (Blanc-noir, blanc-rouge, blanc-vert, blanc-bleu, blanc-jaune ...etc), Fantaisie (à pois, à rayures, zigzagué, bronze, doré, rose doré ...etc)
Logoté (portant les couleurs et le logo de votre entreprise)
Emballage: Disponible en emballage individuel ou en vrac en paquet.
Diamètre disponible : 2,5mm, 4 mm, 6mm, 8mm, 10mm, 12 mm.
"Herkomst en geschiedenis
De ui is een bolgewas en is verwant aan de sint-jansui en de prei. Deze bolgewassen slaan voedsel op in een bol die de winter overleeft en daardoor kunnen ze als eerst planten in de lente boven de grond komen. De uienplant groeit uit zaad, in het eerste jaar wordt de bol gevormd.
Uit geschriften van rond 3000 voor Christus blijkt dat de ui voor het eerst in delen van Azië werd verbouwd. Uiteindelijk is de ui ook in Egypte terecht gekomen, waar ook deze gesneden uien vandaan komen. De piramidebouwers kregen uien als rantsoen, het diende als voedsel en medicijn tijdens de reis naar het hiernamaals.
Smaak en gebruik
De ui wordt wereldwijd in de keuken gebruikt als groente en bestaat in allerlei vormen en kleuren. Uien hebben een sterke smaak en geur, die minder sterk worden bij verhitting. Deze biologische uien worden gedroogd en tot poeder vermalen. Uienpoeder wordt gemaakt van de witte ui en kan als vervanger dienen voor verse…"
Pot individuel de confiture artisanale aux saveurs persanes uniques. Nos confitures ont une haute teneur en fruit de 70g à 80g pour 100g de confiture et sont faites avec des ingrédients bruts de la plus haute qualité.
Condimento preparado con flor de sal y mezcla de especias
Ingredientes: Flor de sal (90%), mezcla de especias (10%): (pimienta rosa, hibisco y pimentón ahumado).
Recomendaciones: Perfecto para sazonar mariscos, carpaccio, salsa rosa, pulpo a la gallega, carnes y pescados.
Información nutricional por 100 g: Valor energético: 121 Kj/29 Kcal. Grasas: 1,2 g, de las cuales saturadas: 0,2 g. Hidratos de carbono: 2,0 g, los cuales azúcares: 0,9 g. Proteínas: 1,4 g. Sal: 84,9 g.
Salero cilíndrico de cartón 100% reciclable de 100 g.
Our biotin bolus Hooftop is a slow-release cattle supplement designed to improve hoof strength and prevent various hoof problems. Lameness in cattle lowers production significantly and causes a major economic problem for farmers. Biotin and zinc are therefore crucial additives in your hoof care for cows.
"Basis 17 is the fastest model for packing bulk products in a “Pillow” bag. The machine has a step by step principle of action and reaches a speed of up to 120 packs / min. Seed is a free-flowing snack product, which is popular in the CIS countries. Specialists of the company ""BASIS"" are working for many years with the largest manufacturers of this product and understand the features of the production process. The equipment of the company ""BASIS"" allows you to automate the process of packaging and provide:
the ideal form of the package (pillow, gasset, stable package or Stabilo bag);
consistently high line capacity;
extension of the shelf life of seeds;
weight accuracy;
reliability and safety of the equipment for many years;
ease of changeover and maintenance."
Rice hulls can be used in the production of building materials (blocks, slabs). Its use in the fuel industry will reduce emissions into the environment and introduce renewable energy sources into circulation.
in the field of agriculture as a fertilizer;
in metallurgy as a heat-insulating backfill;
in the fuel industry as a material for achieving high levels of burnup;
in the chemical industry in the production of dyes, protective coatings, abrasive and lubricants;
as a filler for car tires - they have excellent grip on wet and dry asphalt, reduce carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere, reduce noise and fuel costs;
in the manufacture of paper, cermets, artificial leather, etc.;
as a sorbent for water purification from oil and oil pollution;
in the manufacture of heat and sound insulation materials;
in the production of concrete - has a low cost and is stronger than conventional artificial building material.
Color: Natural:Package: Bag, big bag
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Unleash the flavor fusion! ELLADIA's balsamic glaze is more than a condiment- it's a culinary symphony. Drizzle, dip, and dazzle your dishes with a burst of rich, tangy goodness. Elevate your taste experience with every drop.
ingredients: balsamic vinegar(red wine vinegar, concecrated must), fig vinegar, natural fig juice 28%, sugar, modified starch, natural fig flavoring, may contains sulfites
Nostru de orez SYP orez maşină de tort (mașină de panificație, mașină de cofetărie) este proiectat astfel încât acesta poate produce Popping gustare cereale / Chip / cracker / tort folosind 100% boabe naturale.
In prezent dispozitive mecanice sunt făcute, dar nu este în măsură să se ocupe de presiune ridicată în mod continuu și produce produse neuniforme. părțile sale, cum ar fi lanțuri și motoare sunt uzate ușor și provoacă defecțiuni frecvente.
Noastră mașină de orez tort "SYP corectat aceste defecte și utilizează sisteme hidraulice pentru a produce produse uniforme și a crescut în mod semnificativ durabilitatea sa.
In plus, varietatea de matrite sunt disponibile în diferite mărimi și forme pentru a satisface nevoile clienților.
Mașini mici pot fi produse pentru magazinele locale și mașini mai mari pot fi produse la fel de bine pentru fabrici.
Pentru mai multe informații, vă rugăm să ne contactați !!
Unsere SYP Reis Kuchenmaschine (Bäckermaschine, Süßwarenmaschine) ist so entworfen, dass sie knackende Kornimbisse / Chip / Cracker / Kuchen unter Verwendung 100% natürlicher Körner produzieren kann.
Derzeit werden mechanische Vorrichtungen hergestellt, die jedoch nicht in der Lage sind, den Hochdruck kontinuierlich zu handhaben und ungleichförmige Produkte zu erzeugen. Seine Teile wie Ketten und Motoren sind leicht abgenutzt und verursachen häufige Ausfälle.
Unsere "SYP" Reiskuchenmaschine korrigierte diese Mängel und nutzt die Hydraulik, um einheitliche Produkte herzustellen und ihre Haltbarkeit deutlich zu erhöhen.
Zusätzlich sind verschiedene Formen in verschiedenen Größen und Formen verfügbar, um Kundenbedürfnisse zu befriedigen.
Kleine Maschinen können für lokale Geschäfte produziert werden und größere Maschinen können auch für Fabriken produziert werden.
Für weitere Informationen kontaktieren Sie uns bitte!
Vielen Dank
Poly-Alpha-Olefine (PAO’s) sind synthetische Kohlenwasserstoffe. Sie stellen eine Klasse von Ölen dar, die ihrer chemischen Struktur nach mineralölähnlich sind, ohne aber die typischen Nachteile von Mineralölen zu besitzen. Die Öle der Reihe LFC 9000 sind vollsynthetische EP-Hochleistungs-Schmieröle, die mit allen Mineralölen mischbar sind. Sie zeichnen sich durch ausgezeichnete Schmiereigenschaften, hohe Tief- und Hochtemperaturstabilität und geringe chemische Aggressivität aus. Die Öle der Reihe LFC 9000 verfügen über ein ausgezeichnetes Luft- und Wasserabscheidevermögen und bieten besten Verschleiß- und Korrosionsschutz. Außerdem zeigen sie keine Neigung zur Verkokung und Rückstandsbildung. Der Einsatz sollte nach den Viskositätsangaben der Maschinenhersteller erfolgen. Die Öle der Reihe LFC 9000 eignen sich hervorragend zur Umlauf-, Ölsumpf- und Kettenschmierung im Hochtemperaturbereich sowie als Lager-, Getriebe- und Kompressorenöle.
Amaranth groats contain many vitamins, amino acids and other useful elements, in particular squalene - a hydrocarbon that saturates body cells with oxygen.
Groats are a valuable biologically active food product that has a health-improving and strengthening effect on the human body.
Regular consumption helps to strengthen immunity, cleanses the body of toxins, removes impurities, radionuclides and salts of heavy metals.
Amaranth grains are used to prepare porridge and bakery products.
Does not contain gluten.
Composition: amaranth groats 100%.
Method of use: boil in the ratio of 100 g of amaranth groats to 300 ml of water. If necessary, increase the amount of water. Cook for 2-5 minutes.
CEZB Delight Lokum: The New Destination for Taste
CEZB Delight Lokum is where flavors and delights converge. We blend the traditional Turkish delight with an innovative approach to offer our customers a unique taste experience.
Each lokum is crafted with carefully selected, highest quality ingredients. Drawing inspiration from traditional recipes, we enrich flavors with modern touches, leaving an unforgettable impression on our customers' palates. At CEZB Delight Lokum, we prioritize health by using natural and wholesome ingredients.
Our product range is designed to cater to every palate, from traditional lokum varieties to modern and exotic flavors. We also offer special gift packages and personalized designs for special occasions, aiming to provide our customers with a unique and memorable experience.
At CEZB Delight Lokum, customer satisfaction is always our top priority, and we guarantee to deliver the best with our quality products.
L'Amnesia , inspiré de la plus célèbre des variétés s’invite chez Marie Jeanne pour vous faire redécouvrir ses saveurs dans un e-liquide de qualité. Laissez vous tenter par les arômes acidulés caractéristiques de l’Amnesia. Disponible avec plusieurs dosages de CBD, le e liquide Amnesia est garanti sans THC.
Propylène Glycol
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Aromes et Cannabidiol
0mg/100 mg/300 mg
0% de THC
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Orzechy pecan są zaliczane do jednych z najbardziej szlachetnych gatunków orzechów. Stanowiły ważny element diety rdzennych mieszkańców Ameryki Północnej. Orzechy mają lekko słodki i masłowy smak dlatego świetnie pasują do wszelkich ciast, deserów i czekoladek. Są składnikiem słynnej tarty pecan (pecan pie), przygotowywanej na Święto Dziękczynienia.Około 90% tłuszczów zawartych w orzechach pecan to zdrowe, jednonienasycone kwasy tłuszczowe. NNKT są niezbędne dla zdrowia skóry, prawidłowej pracy układu krążenia. Obniżają poziom LDL (tzw. złego cholesterolu), dzięki czemu chronią przed rozwojem miażdżycy.Orzechy pecan zawierają witaminy: C, E, K oraz witaminy z grupy B oraz minerały magnez, mangan i miedz. Mangan wspiera układ nerwowy i przyspiesza przeminę cholesterolu, miedź natomiast jest niezbędna do syntezy kolagenu i elastyny, co przenosi się na dobrą kondycje naszej skóry.Trzeba pamiętać, że orzechy pecan są bardzo zdrowe, ale i bardzo kaloryczne.